Wallick Headshot Day
For new employees or employees updating their headshot portrait for Wallick as part of a special Central Ohio “Headshot Day” at the Wallick Headquarters in New Albany, Ohio.
This is a business portrait headshot session of up to ten minutes IN THE WALLICK NEW ALBANY HEADQUARTERS JWCC room. Session will result in one high-resolution image with one “look” (hair/clothing combination) selected by subject during the session and finished with natural, believable retouching.
If you find that nearly all the time slots are taken, please contact Denise Bauman (DBauman@wallick.com) in Marketing to discuss opening up more time slots.
What to wear
Please dress appropriate for your role. For most people, business casual (open collared shirt/blouse with no jacket) is sufficient. Executive level positions should consider jacket/tie or business suit. We are only photographing from chest up so do not worry about business slacks/pants or shoes. Questions about your clothing should be directed to Denise Bauman (DBauman@wallick.com) prior to you business headshot portrait appointment.
Covid-19 Considerations:
Our photographer is full vaccinated from Covid-19. Masks are optional although you will need to remove your mask when you are being photographed. If you are not feeling well or exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 on the day of your appointment, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.